The club raises funds to keep our fees down. Over the years working BINGOs has been very successful for us. We have worked Casinos as well (once per few years); the volunteer list gets filled quickly for Casino events.
For each Bingo, we need to provide 8 people from 17h15-21h00: 1 Chairperson, 1 Paymaster, 6 Floor Workers. The Chairperson and Paymaster have to be certified in advance. The Chairperson must start by 16h45; the Chairperson and Paymaster must stay until all accounting is done. Club credits will be granted within days of the Chairperson confirming attendance (by email to the club).
The Lakeland & District Bingo runs at the Exhibition Grounds - we need to be there at 5:15pm on the date of the bingo.
Our contact person is Jim Urlacher @ 780-594-4460. He is responsible for having 8 people at each bingo; contact him for details. Each bingo you work will reduce your registration fees...
First-come-first-served, therefore no paper signup - only [ONLINE SIGNUP] . As positions are filled, that respective choice for that Bingo date will be deleted. As the next upcoming bingo date nears, if members haven't signed up on their own initiative, then team names will be drawn for the remaining vacant positions. The team will then be responsible for filling the respective position. Teams can fill from their own roster, or sweet talk someone else.